PASSOLO comes with a selection of import and export filters. Some of these filters are for export only, while others allow the exported data to be reimported following translation. The data can be exported separately for different modules and languages to enable simultaneous translation.
ASCII text Export/Import
Translation lists can be exported in ASCII format and then translated using any standard ASCII editor.
CSV Export/Import
Many programs support CSV file format. Translation lists can be exported in CSV format for processing in Microsoft Access or Microsoft Excel, for example. In this case, the export can be configured so that it is possible to reimport the text resources after external processing.
Glossary Export
The glossary export stores text resources in the format used by PASSOLO for glossary files. These files can then be edited in any standard ASCII or Unicode editor.
Translation Bundle
This format is only available in the Team and Professional Editions. A translation bundle packages all the data required for external editing or processing of part of a project into a single file. A translation bundle can contain any number of translation lists and target languages. In addition, company-specific glossaries, macros for customer specific test functions, or notes for the translator in the form of Word files can be stored in a translation bundle. The translation bundle also contains the data for menus and dialogs.
With this format, the translator also has to use PASSOLO. If a translation bundle was created using the Team Edition, the translator can work with the free Translator Edition of PASSOLO. The use of translation bundles is especially beneficial when the translation work is done by numerous external translators. Only a single file has to be sent to each translator. Using the Team Edition, only one license has to be purchased - the translator can work with the free Translator Edition.
With translation bundles the translator can make full use of PASSOLO's benefits. The text resources are displayed in context, which will improve the translation quality. With the integrated dialog editor, the dialog layout can be adjusted to fit the new text lengths. The test functions can be used to guarantee error-free localization. Custom test functions can be added as macros.