What are the S TAGGERS

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What are the S TAGGERS?

The S-Taggers are a conversion utility for FrameMaker and Interleaf files. S-Tagger technology converts the FrameMaker MIF or Interleaf IASCII files into STF, a tagged text format that is compatible with SDL Trados. There are two separate S-Tagger components, S-Tagger for FrameMaker and S-Tagger for Interleaf.

All formatting information in the original source file is presented as translation-friendly tags, known as S-Tags. The STF file is comprised of these tags and the translatable text. You can translate files using TagEditor, a specialized editing interface for tagged text formats, or Microsoft Word.

After translation, you can use the tag verification features in TagEditor and in the S-Taggers to verify the tag content of your target STF files. Successful verification guarantees successful conversion to MIF/IASCII. When your STF files have been verified, you can convert the STF files back to their original file format.

The S-Taggers are used in conjunction with the Font Mappers, which specify the fonts that you wish to map quickly and easily. This is necessary when working with Asian languages such as Japanese.
